Bilal Cooks Daal by Aisha Saeed

Title: Bilal Cooks Daal
Genre: Fiction/Multicultural
Author: Aisha Saeed
Illustrator: Anoosha Syed
Major awards: Asian/Pacific American Award
Age group: PreK-3rd


This books explores a Pakistanian cultural food, daal. The reader is introduced to Bilal, a young boy. Bilal and his father decide to cook daal for him and his friends. Food is an excellent way to share one's culture. However, sometimes people can be hesitant about trying new things. The book shares the excitement and curiousity that can come with exploring a new culture. The story line shows the process of cooking daal. In the end, Bilal and his friend's love the daal. It tastes good, and Bilal loves that he was able to spend time and eat it with friends.

Why would I use this book in the classroom: 

As a future educator, I'd use this book in my classroom to teach students about a different culture. It's important to share multiple cultures with students. There will come a time in their life that they meet someone of a different background. Shedding light on diversity, opens the door for cultural appreciation. 

Appropriate grade level:

I think an appropriate grade level for this book is PreK-3rd. The book follows a group of kids and their experience cooking a new food! The adventure storyline will be enjoyable for this age group. I think that the cooking references may be best understood by 3rd graders. The illustrations are very bright and beautiful, students will think they are neat.

Ideas for unit of study to include the book in and how you might use the book in the classroom:

  • Language Arts/Art: I would use this book to lead an activity that focuses on diversity. I'd have students create their own recipes. However I'd have them write a recipe on their culture.


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