The Three Pigs by David Wiesner


Title: The Three Pigs
Genre: Traditional Literature
Author: David Wiesner
Major awards: Caldecott Medal
Age group: PreK-3rd


This book is a twist on the classic tale of the Three Little Pigs. Instead of the original version, this story begins with the wolf blowing the first little pig out of the story. Then, the second and third little pig are blown away as well. The pigs explore the storybook worlds. They travel together, and meet classical characters. These characters hop out of their stories, and join the pigs in their world, where they live happily ever after. 

Why would I use this book in the classroom: 

As a future educator, I'd use this book in my classroom to teach students to use their imaginations! This book is very fun, and it explores a different point of view based on a classical tale. The Three Little Pigs is a child's story that most children hear early on. It's neat to share with students that, with a little of imagination, our worlds can open up. 

Appropriate grade level:

I think an appropriate grade level for this book is PreK-3rd, because classic stories are usually read to students at an early age. This would be a fun book to share with students, since they are familiar with the characters. 

Ideas for unit of study to include the book in and how you might use the book in the classroom:

  • Language Arts/Art: I would use this book as a read aloud, and have students use their inferencing skills as I read the book. I would ask them what they think will happen next in the story. Following the read aloud, I would lead an activity where students will work individually to create their own story line on the three pigs and their next adventure. They will create the storyline using text and illustrations. 


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