Silver Seeds by Paul Paolilli and Dan Brewer

 Title: Silver Seeds
Genre: Poetry
Author: Paul Paolilli and Dan Brewer
Illustrator: Steve Johnson and Lou Fancher
Major awards: N/A
Age group: K-4


This book describes the beauty of a day through poetry. The poem begins with D-A-W-N. Readers are given unique descriptions of nature throughout the poem. The landscapes of the earth and animals are mentioned. There is so much to see in nature, like bees and hummingbirds. As the day continues, the M-O-O-N comes out, and so do the S-T-A-R-S. The stars are described as "silver seeds." The end of the book ends with N-I-G-H-T. 

Why would I use this book in the classroom: 

As a future educator, I'd use this book in my classroom to teach students about acrostic poems. The book has plenty of illustrations of nature. There is a lot of imagery. It is a fun book to show students the beauty in nature. 

Appropriate grade level:

I think an appropriate grade level for this book is K-4. I love the style of this book. It is written in acrostic poem form. The illustration and description of nature pair perfectly. Older elementary students may be able to understand the acrostic form more. 

Ideas for unit of study to include the book in and how you might use the book in the classroom:

  • Language Arts/Science: I would use this book in a poetry lesson. I'd have students learn about several poetry styles. I'd follow up with a nature walk! I want students to be inspired by nature, so that they can create their own acrostic poems!


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